French purchasing group Francap starts pooling procurement of their strong private label brands under the international umbrella of the EMD Alliance.
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EMD welcomes a new prominent partner: Lotte from South Korea is now joining the International Trade Alliance as an associate member.
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Alliance of strong alliances: EMD Retail Group joins forces with all members of the new RTG International
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International retail alliance EMD starts partnership in joint sourcing of Private Label products with Colruyt Group, the leading Belgian retailer
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European Marketing Distribution (EMD) suspends cooperation with Russian member Lenta.
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Johan Neuman new EMD President
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EMD adopts Sourcing Code of Conduct
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Eric Lemercier appointed director Business Development
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EMD to launch International Data Sharing
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New appointments into the EMD board of directors
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South Korea’s Homeplus joins EMD
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EMD to operate in future without ASDA
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Russian Retailer Lenta joins EMD, Europe’s leading buying and marketing group
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Maniele Tasca appointed as new EMD-president
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EMD goes intercontinental – Australian retailer Woolworths joins the leading purchasing and marketing group
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Globus incorporates branded consumer goods business including Russia and Czech Republic into EMD
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EMD appoints Peter Arnolds as additional director for Branded Products Business.
Kaufland incorporates East European operations into EMD
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Asda joins EMD, Europe’s leading buying and marketing group
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EMD: Jaime Rodríguez appointed new president of the board of directors
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25 years of EMD, Successful, Unique, United
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EMD New President
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Casino Group joins European buying group EMD
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EMD: Riccardo Francioni new board chairman
EMD has new members in Switzerland and Portugal
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EMD streamlines structures and appoints two directors
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20 years of EMD AG: The combined strength of independent trading companies in Europe
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